Category: Board Minutes
Minutes of Wilma Township, Pine County, Minnesota
Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present: Supervisors Mike McCullen and Alden Shute, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Zach Hanson and Cindy Kleinschmidt.
Clerk’s Record of October Board Meeting: Paul read the Clerk’s record of the October Board meeting. Paul corrected the record that Patrice transferred $10,500 from savings, not $7,000. With this correction, Mike moved to approve the Clerk’s record; Alden seconded. Passed. The record will be corrected on the website.
Road Report: Alden gave his report for November. The culvert and grates are done on Eagle Head Road. Summerland put in a larger culvert. Alden wants to put 15 loads of gravel over the culvert and on the road to build up the road. The 8 vertical gate rods can be pulled up one at a time for cleaning and there is a base to stand on. We still need to remove the beavers. Jim Bredesen traps them. Mike moved to build up the road up to 15 loads of gravel. Glen seconded; passed. Alden wants to brush all roads in 2025 and make McCullen Drive and Little Tamarack Lake Road the main projects for red-rock gravel.
Brush rig; grader hall: Mike asked Alden to set up a time to bring the grader out so Mike can park the DVFD brush rig in the far northeast corner of the hall for winter.
OLD BUSINESS: Township Websites: All Towns with websites must eventually change to the .gov address. Site: Erv Klienschmidt says he can take over our website and make it a .gov address and all of our records will be intact. Below are the things he would need when our contract is close to ending:
He says, “Before I can get the .gov domain we need board approval to start the process. I can handle everything once approved that I can get for township use.
Things I can do before we get the .gov domain.
I installed word press on one of my servers and would like to get the current install so I can get it updated for use away from current servers.
Steps Glen needs to do:
1. Please install WordPress Add-on called All-in-One WP Migration if you don’t have it already installed.
- Once Add-On installed you can go under the add-in and pick export all to a file.
- Please put on google drive or whatever works for you and share the link so I can get the backup to review. End of Steps for Glen.
I then can restore and see what changes need to happen and save all the only minutes without reloading. Once I have this all cleaned the final step when I can get the .gov domain it’s just pointing it.”
Discussion on Erv being the web developer as a contractor or as an employee. Glen said it is better that he be hired as an employee. He said we should keep the .com site along with the .gov until people get used to the change. Mike moved to hire Erv as Web Developer and to authorize him to get started on the transfer. Glen seconded. Passed. Glen will be gone in December and said we can table the issue until the January, 2025 meeting.
Couri&Ruppe 15th Annual Township Legal Seminar: Was Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024, Rutledge City Hall, 9 am – 4 pm. Paul and Mike attended and brought binders with all of the Power Points for the Board. The Seminar followed the power-points.
November 5, 2024 Election: Tremendous election turnout. Our little town had a record turnout, 64 voters. We had 74 registered as of Tuesday morning, but 7 new voters registered. Trump had 40 votes to 20 for Kamala. Terry Lovgren got 27 to 24 for Roger Nelson. Nathan Nelson got 41 votes to 20 for Eric (DFL). Roger Nelson won in the district. Full results for Wilma Township:
Garbage Pickup: Mike said the trucks don’t go down Dollar Lake Road or Vink Road and the people have to bring their garbage out to the county road, which can cause wildlife to tear it up and scatter it. Alden said he will bring it up at the garbage board meeting later in the month.
Hazard Mitigation Plan : Pine County Emergency Management is commencing work on the update of the Pine County Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP). News release was given to board. We posted their news release and put it on the website to notify the public about the plan update and to have an opportunity to provide feedback.
Pine County Township Officers’ Meeting: Was Saturday, October 26: At Hinckley Community Center. Glen and Paul attended from Wilma. Speakers: Zach Gracy, Pine Co. Sheriff’s Dept.; Reese Frederickson, Co. Attorney; Auditor Kelly Schroeder; Rep. Nathan Nelson; Roger Nelson; Commissioners J.J. Waldheim, Terry Lovgren, Josh Mohr, and Steve Hallan; Mike Couri; Tammy Carlson, District 7 Director; Barbara Fischer, NPAHD.
The PCTOA passed the MAT Resolution regarding universal cell phone service written by Wilma Clerk Paul Raymond and expanded by MAT Attorney Graham Berg-Moberg and passed by the MAT District 7 and the MAT L&R Committee in St. Cloud.
Wilma FallFest: Was Saturday, October 19, 6 p.m. Potluck and karoke. Glen said expenses were very low and Glen said it was a good time.
NEW BUSINESS: Pine County Cannabis/Wilma Resolution : Cannabis businesses will start operating in Minnesota soon. Pine County has been working to be ready for both the registration of retail businesses and the zoning of all cannabis-type businesses.
- “In late summer, Pine County passed a Retail Business Ordinance which addresses the registration of cannabis retail businesses and temporary cannabis events.
- Allows cities and townships to delegate their retail registration duties to Pine County (note: the entity doing the registrations is required to do annual compliance checks).
- Provides the largest buffers the statute allows for cannabis retail locations from schools, daycares, residential treatment facilities, public parks and other cannabis businesses.
Allows a maximum of 1 cannabis retail business per 12,500 people- meaning if all Pine County cities and townships delegate their registration duty to Pine County, there would be a maximum of 3 cannabis businesses in Pine County- thus not necessarily in your city or township.”
Mike moved that Wilma Township adopt a resolution delegating management of the cannabis business to the County. Alden seconded. Glen and Paul signed the resolution.
MAT Annual Conference: Two days only (one night). December 13 & 14. River’s Edge Convention Center, St. Cloud. FRIDAY SCHEDULE:
12:00 pm: Registration; 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm: Educational Sessions in four Breakout Rooms; (Dinner on your own) 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm: Exhibitor Show
SATURDAY SCHEDULE: 7:00 am – 9:00 am: Exhibitor Show; 9:00 am – 12:00 pm (No lunch). MAT Update COST: $140/person for two-day conference (on-site will be $170) $50/person for Saturday Meeting (on-site will be $60); $30/guest for Exhibit Hall pass
Fire Chiefs’ Meeting: The area fire chiefs will meet at the Wilma Town Hall on November 21. Alden moved to approve all annual Duxbury Fire Chief’s meetings to use the hall.
Annual Wilma Twp. Road Report: No changes in 2024. Wilma maintains 15.75 miles of road. Report filed with map to Highway Dept.
January 1 Meeting Change: Alden moved to change the meeting from January 1 to the second Wednesday of November, the 8th. Mike seconded; passed.
Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Total bills for November, $4,204.76, with transfer of $4,200.. Mike moved to approve her report and transfer $$7,000 from savings to checking. Alden seconded; all aye. Passed.
Mike moved to adjourn; Alden seconded. Adjourned at 8:30.
Paul Raymond, Clerk