Category: Board Minutes
Minutes of Wilma Township, Pine County, Minnesota
Financial Statement for 2024
Road Report: Alden gave his report for January. He plowed all the roads and drives twice
Major Grader Repair: Alden said the shins on top and bottom of the rotation pivot need to be replaced. Alden hasn’t yet been able to reach Nortrax to see if they will send a mechanics’ truck with the equipment to repair the grader.
County Wilma Bridge Inspection: Bridge #95552 Heller Drive. “Remove tree growth from between and around ends of pipes. Remove brush and trees from around object markers.” Board will inspect the bridge at the May inspection. Alden wants to clear these trees and brush but it is too dangerous for one person and a chainsaw, so Mike will go with him when he clears the big culvert/bridge.
Treasurer Issue: Patrice sent a check to MAT for the L&R meeting in October for $90. They say they never received it. She didn’t cancel payment but voided it in CTAS. But New Dosey has not cashed a check for $750 for beaver grates. She asked if we should pay the $20 stop-pay fee. The clerk went to Arizona and they only have bi-monthly board meetings. She will wait to hear from the treasurer or clerk; the check may be in her mailbox.
NEW BUSINESS: Assessor, Board of Review and Equalization: To appeal property assessment for 2026 taxes. Lori Houitsma and Karen Stumne, our appraiser, will attend. Her phone is 320-591-1639. Paul will post the meeting. The Supervisors cannot appeal their assessments at the meeting but have to go to the county. Will be on Monday, April 15, Wilma Town Hall, 1 p.m.
2024 Wilma Financial Statement: Attached.
PCTOA Dues: Due for Wilma, $44.05. State MAT Dues: $293.68.
Wilma Township Election, Tuesday, March 11, 2025: Patrice and Glen are up for re-election and both filed, along with Maureen Rioux for Supervisor. Paul, Cindy Klienschmidt and Lori Shute will serve as judges, from 5 to 8 p.m.
Absentee Ballot Board: Board of Absentee Ballots will open and verify any absentee ballots. Paul and Cindy are trained for the board and were appointed by the Board. Per Auditor Kelly: “You need to meet periodically through the absentee period. For the beginning part, the ballot board needs to accept or reject within 5 days of receiving them. And then within 2 weeks of the election, that decreases to 3 days. Example: Ballot comes in February 9th. You can wait until February 14th to meet and see if you get any others. If you get a ballot on March 3rd, you have to meet by March 6th.”
Board of Canvass and Annual Town Meeting: Will follow the election.
Board of Reorganization: To swear in newly elected officers and set wages, bank and posting sites for 2025. Usually done before the April Board Meeting.
Pine County Township Officers’ Meeting, Hinckley: Saturday, March 29, 9 a.m. Hinckley Community Center. Scheduled or invited speakers: Jason Rarick, Nathan Nelson, Commissioners Hallan, Mohr, Walden, Nelson, and Ludwig; Auditor Schroeder; Attorney Frederickson; Sheriff Nelson; Co. Engineer LeBrun; Assessor Houtsma; Hospital Dist. Fischer; DNR Officer Karon; Veterans Mindy Sandell; MAT Director Carlson; MilleLacs Band Ojibwe Curt Kalk. Election of Board Members.
Spring Short Course, Duluth: Friday, April 4, DECC, Duluth. For Supervisors, new regulations on road approaches; paid leave; MATIT insurance. For Clerks/Treasurers, paid leave reporting; monthly duties; posting or publishing or both; MATIT insurance. We can car-pool.
Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Total bills: $2,075.52 Mike moved to approve her report and transfer $2,000 from savings to checking. Alden seconded; all aye. Passed. Mike moved to adjourn; Alden seconded. Adjourned at 8:20.
Paul Raymond, Clerk