Candidate Filing for March 11, 2025
Town Board Election
Supervisor and Treasurer
December 31 Until January 14, 2025, 5:00 p.m
$2 Fee. Paul Raymond, Clerk
Candidate Filing for March 11, 2025
Town Board Election
Supervisor and Treasurer
December 31 Until January 14, 2025, 5:00 p.m
$2 Fee. Paul Raymond, Clerk
Tremendous election turnout. Our little town had a record turnout, 64 voters. We had 74 registered as of Tuesday morning, but 7 new voters registered. Trump had 40 votes to 20 for Kamala. Terry Lovgren got 27 to 24 for Roger Nelson. Nathan Nelson got 41 votes to 20 for Eric (DFL).
Roger Nelson won in the district.
Full results for Wilma Township:
Both Pine County Commissioner candidates, Terry Lovgren and Roger Nelson, will be at the Duxbury Town Hall on Wednesday, October 30 at noon to answer questions and share their vision for the county. Pot-luck lunch. Sponsored by East Pine County Wanderers. Pine County News has a full issue of issues and opinions they sent to everyone. It should be a lively debate. All are welcome; bring a dish if you want.