Wilmatownship.com is now Wilmatownship.org. It it the same site, but is now powered by the Town of Wilma and the Wilma Township Board and not by Chairman Glen Williamson. He told the Board of Supervisors that he wanted to get out of the site, and has given it to Wilma Township, so no one has the power to take it down. Meeting records and Financial Reports for the last several years are on the site. If you want to review earlier records or financial reports from prior years, they are public records. Make an appointment with the clerk (320-245-2579) to see them. They are safely locked in our safe, after someone stole them many years ago but then returned them after 15-20 years. We didn’t know they were gone until we needed to look up some history. All town websites are required to get a .gov address, so we will also eventually.